Comic Book Geek Tattoo Special

Tags: photo, Photoshopped, tattoo, tongue

x-men tattoo

X-Men Tattoos

Cool Tattoo Designs For Men and Women


Men with Japanese-style tattoos. Japan has been a massive influence on

So Disney just announced two more volumes for the DVD collection of X-Men:

wolverine x mens wolverine x mens red white blue bathing suit

Hugh Jackman his Wolverine tattoo during the premiere of X-Men Origins:

X-Men 468 where she is sporting a new tattoo forced upon

Greatest tattoo ever! And here I thought I was a fan.

X-Men - Wolverine Face Tattoo (Adult Regular Size)

Premiere Of Twentieth Century Fox's "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"

(and the X-Men Tattoos ). Geek Tattoos! (Group)

Series: X-Men. Creator: STANJOKER

Wolverine and the X-Men Tattoos Sheets (2 count) have 3 different poses of

"That Bald guy with tattoo is Weapon XI, the big bad boss at the end of the

tattoo pictures. Image b? istolethetv gambit (fr?m th? x-men) tattoo.

My original tribal face tattoo art. Over the past eight months I've been